CH&PA urges house lot owners to clear lands

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) is urging all owners of unoccupied house lots to clear the empty lots and surrounding drains of overgrowth, or commence construction as indicated on the agreement of sale, transport or certificate of title.
This call from the CH&PA comes at a time when the agency has received numerous complaints from residents of some communities, especially in Region 10, about security threats and health hazards they face on a daily basis
The agency on Monday received a complaint from an elderly man in Region 10 about being bitten by snake which he said emerged from the unoccupied lot next to his property.
According to the CH&PA, it is a known fact that unoccupied house lots with large overgrowth are safe havens for criminals, besides being habitats for reptiles and breeding grounds for mosquitoes which have the potential to spread diseases such as dengue fever.
Referring to the agreements of sale, transports, and certificates of title issued, the CH&PA has said that landowners are responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of all drains, reserves, and parapets adjoining their lots, and should keep all parapets and reserves unencumbered.
The agency deems it unreasonable for owners of unoccupied lots to expect residents to go into their pockets and expend monies to maintain lands they do not own.