Dear Editor,
As Guyanese focused on the Christmas festivities, Retired Brigadier David Granger led an ambush on the nation’s psyche and resources. Ever since Bloomberg confirmed suspicions of unusual approaches made to selected international oil companies, there was an outcry by anti-corruption, pro-transparency persons, groups, and media outlets. At 22:30h (10:30 pm), Friday the 20th, David Granger announced that oil was flowing from the Liza 1 well-head and Guyana was an oil-producing country; Granger then decreed the 20th would henceforth be known as “National Petroleum Day”. It must be good to be the King; I know it’s terrible to be a ‘subject’.
The Government informed the ‘subjects’ who were chosen to sell three million plus barrels of oil on our behalf on the 23rd, all the chastising, good advice and dire warnings were ignored and a known bad actor was engaged as our partner. The Christmas ambush did not end there, before the end of the day we learned of a compulsory acquisition order for over 123 acres, ostensibly, to facilitate the erection of a high-spam bridge over the Demerara River; no plan of the area to be utilised accompanied the order; no feasibility study was quoted for, none has been completed with regards to a high-span bridge. I can only presume the Gods of Gazettes and Acreage have again been at war with the Printer’s devil and have transformed twelve and three tenths (12.3) acres into an area well beyond what would ever possibly be required by way of the errant decimal point. However, this is APNU/AFC and there may be imaginary shopping malls at both ends of the bridge or even a small airport complete with roundabouts and runways designed by the APNU Ministry of Magic.
Our day was not yet done, we had a tragi-comical statement from the Head of the Department of Energy, Dr Bynoe, who provided information that loans made to Guyana are not subject to our laws, but are in fact, available for use as the lender saw fit. I can understand this being the case with a grant that would not have to be repaid by our hard work and taxes, but a loan? I would advise Dr Bynoe to see legal counsel tout suite lest he ends up on long vacation up the Mazaruni River very soon.
Editor, given the illogical moves to sell our share of profit oil not to the highest bidder, but to someone who will refine it, tell us how great it is and even sell it at their gas stations, I fully expect to see David Granger cutting a ribbon on a gas pump in Hoboken, New Jersey, early February, as the ‘first gallon’ of Liza grade gasoline hits the world market. Elections are on March 2; let us vote to see the back of Granger. No more rule by decree. Long live the Republic.
Robin Singh