Christmas Spirit

With all the moneymaking holiday fads that invade our year from January through to December, Christmas can be the ultimate in commercialism, advertising, spending, over-eating and stretching finances to the limit; validating the resounding lamentation that we have lost the real essence of the season.
If we are to ask the question literally ‘has Christmas lost its meaning? , some are sure to raise the details about the true origin of what was once a pagan festival with no links to religion or goodwill. However, the issue here is that the age old tradition we all know as Christmas was adopted by Christians as a time to celebrate the birth of their saviour Jesus Christ.
Others are likely to mention that, admittedly according to the chronology of the history books, Jesus was not actually born at this time of the year. Religious or not and precise dates aside, the basis of this season was to share peace, love and hope. Our secular society may have hijacked the celebration, arguably returning it to a more pagan event, but as long as we make every effort to ensure the sentiment of Peace and Joy remains at the heart of the festivities, all is not lost.
If you are part of the Christian religion, this time will be of utmost importance and the celebrations will go way beyond the commercial capacity it has evolved into. Your faith will be strengthened and you will be part of one of the most significant commemorations of your faith. Perhaps alongside the worship and thanksgiving, will be a time to partake in the more commercial aspects of the season as the exchanging of gifts, traditional Christmas tree, dinner and festivities are shared with loved ones, but no doubt the thread that runs through this time will be centred on your beliefs.
For others, the focus may be more on spending hours choosing gifts, decorating houses, cooking and baking more than is necessary, in a bid to celebrate the season. We will visit family and friends, some of whom we have not seen for the better part of the year. Most of us will enjoy the partying and socialising, the merriment and indulgences that are on the seasons agenda with little thought to the Christian implications, whether due to being a non-believer or thoughtlessness. For most of us the spirit is still a positive one that we extend to those around us.
Many will unfortunately be unable to celebrate in any lavish manner, or in any manner at all for that matter. Too many will be lonely and feel it amplified by the merriment around them. For some, the financial pressures felt in order to keep up with their neighbours and family leads to a new year of debt and struggles.
Thankfully many will take time out to reach out a charitable hand to those less fortunate than themselves and try to ensure there is some joy, no matter how small, infused into each person’s life this holiday. It is a season where literature has influenced even the meanest spirited with its narration of ‘Scrooge’, encouraging and highlighting the unrivalled satisfaction of charitable behaviour.
Whatever your standing belief or persuasion, irrespective of the shift from the true meaning, it’s important to remember to make this a positive time of year for those around you, as well as yourselves.
This year take the time to remember what Christmas should be. Think about what you have and how precious the time is that is spent closely with family and friends. Try not to let your gatherings escalate into the clichéd family rows and dramas that happen year after year in many households. Reach out to family, friends, a stranger, someone alone or someone in need and use the season as a reflective time to show the human kindness that is in the hearts of most.
The best thoughts for the season are that the giving is wonderful, Christmas cheer and charity is to be embraced and memories are made to cherish. Acknowledging perhaps the real worry; that the things that need to shift in this present society are the expectations, the perceptions of what constitutes a real gift and the attitude with which we receive them. Time and love are the most precious gift you can offer and receiving those with love, gratitude and humility is the best way to appreciate what has been offered to you.
Merry Christmas to each and every one of you, may you find the true meaning of giving, loving and hoping.