Editor in Chief of the State-owned Guyana Chronicle Newspaper Nigel Williams will be suspended for one week over the photoshopped front page photograph, which attempted to portray a racially balanced gathering of children interacting with President David Granger during the Easter weekend celebrations at the National Park.
Editor in Chief Nigel Williams
The image was photoshopped to introduce children of a different ethnicity in an attempt to showcase “unity in diversity”.
During a meeting of the Board of Directors and the Guyana Chronicle’s senior Editors and Managers on Tuesday, it was discovered that Williams was culpable of allowing the publication of the badly photoshopped image, which has since caused the newspaper widespread embarrassment.
According to information received, the Editor in charge of that edition’s publication was journalist Neil Marks. However, Marks insisted that he played no part in the publishing of the failed front page photo.
Marks reportedly explained that when he closed off the newspaper for the day, the photoshopped image was not included in the file.
Reports indicate the Editor in Chief might have been responsible for altering the photograph.
Contacted for a comment, Williams referred this newspaper to the Guyana Chronicle’s apology which explained that the intention was to showcase a composite photograph.
Williams explained that though Marks was the Editor on duty at the time, as Editor in Chief, he has the broader responsibility for everything that occurs with the newspaper.