CIOG continues to assist the less fortunate

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana in keeping with its objective and mandate, continues to offer assistance to Guyanese, especially the less fortunate, through the generous donations of the International Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) based in Toronto, Canada.

A staff (right) of the CIOG hands over a cheque to Maryam Bristol’s mother (left)
A staff (right) of the CIOG hands over a cheque to Maryam Bristol’s mother (left)

During the past month, assistance was given to seven persons, including an eight-year-old orphan who suffered head injuries after a fall.
The total cost of these donations is US$740.
Seven elderly persons received eye tests and spectacles.
The tests, including an MRI scan for the orphaned child, were paid for by IDRF.
The CIOG in a release expressed profound gratitude to the management, staff and supporters of IDRF Canada for their generous contribution towards this worthy cause.
The religious body encouraged all to join in support of worthy causes: “Remember our duties towards the creator, and His creation.
May Allah bless all those who strive to alleviate the sufferings of his creatures.”