CIOG spearheads medical outreach in Berbice, Linden

The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) over the past weekend hosted a medical outreach for the general public at the Corriverton Primary School and Prosville Adventure, Wismar, Linden, respectively.
The outreaches were supported by the Guyana Cancer Foundation, National AIDS Programme Secretariat, National Blood Transfusion Services, Mike’s Pharmacy, Sunflower Counselling & Consultancy (Guyana Inc), International Development Relief Foundation, Ministry of Public Health, and the West Demerara Medical Outreach Team.

The team that was part of the exercise in Corriverton

The primary object of the initiative was to provide medical assistance to the general public. The services provided at the outreach were blood pressure, glucose, HIV and STI testing.
Dentistry and ENT Services, mental health counselling, and optometry with medical advice from general and specialty doctors and provision of over-the-counter and prescription medication were also provided. The medical team was able to provide care to over 500 persons, inclusive of the elderly, children and the differently abled.

A young Lindener being looked at during the medical outreach

In addition to the medical services provided, the recipients were issued with items that catered for their daily needs inclusive of hand sanitisers, disinfectant wipes, face masks, clothing, adult and children diapers, footwear, etc.
The CIOG expressed gratitude to all the supporting partners for their continued assistance and cooperation including doctors, nurses and other personnel.