Citizens urged to be fire ambassadors as GFS observers 50th Fire Prevention Anniversary

Recognising the important role citizens can play in the fight against fire related issues, the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) has recently called for citizens to join the fight against fires.

Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn, Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham and members from the Fire service

This call to action was made by Divisional Officer Haimchandra Persaud on Sunday during the Fire Service’s 50th Fire Prevention Anniversary ceremony which was held at the National Cultural Centre, Georgetown.
During his remarks, Persaud spoke about the GFS’ Goal of reducing and potentially even eliminating destruction caused by fires. In this regard, he noted that to achieve this goal greater collaboration is needed.
“We all dream that there should be no destruction by way of fire however, to realise this dream every one of us here and all the members of the public have to partner with the fire department, you have to take the mantle and run with it as we speak about putting fire systems in place whether it be smoke detectors or fire extinguishers, we encourage each and everyone to be ambassadors on behalf of the fire department so that we can make Guyana a safe country,” Persaud said.
Also present at the event was Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn who highlighted the importance of this milestone to the fire service.
“We are at a pivotal point in the history of the Guyana fire service. You would’ve heard them say and note the expanding number of fire stations and services throughout the country, the large amount of equipment which we have acquired and are still acquiring” Benn stated.
On this point, the home affairs minister added that through government investments the Fire services capabilities have significantly improved.
“Improving training, safety and togetherness in response to the question and challenge of fire in the new environment which we have, the new and different types of buildings, the new industrial applications and developments in the oil and gas era and the overall issue. Beyond the physical aspects, the importance of matching and training up to the required level has commenced with investments which are being made” The Minister stated.
Meanwhile, Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham revealed some of the activities the GFS has planned for the month.
” We will be doing exhibitions at all stations, all stations will be opened up for visits for members of the public, we will be hosting community outreaches, visiting homes, dorms where our children are staying. For other activities such as fire drills, we will be doing inspections at both government and private properties. There will be a lot of lectures throughout the country and representatives from all 20 of the stations will be engaged” Wickham highlighted.
This year’s Fire Prevention Anniversary will be celebrated under the theme, “Fire Safety and Green, One Guyana Dream.”