Dear Editor,
How much longer must the citizens of Georgetown and the workers of City Hall be made to suffer under the Town Clerk?
Since the beginning of the year, workers have to suffer the indignity and hardship of being paid late each month. In fact as I write this letter, many workers are still to be paid, contrary to the erroneous report that everyone was paid.
And then we see the irksome statement from City Hall which says they are trying to strike a balance between honouring the Council’s financial obligations to its workers and contractors, and providing critical and vital municipal services.
The truth of the matter is that the Council’s payroll is bloated, laden with friends and family who are earning super salaries for doing little or nothing.
The truth of the matter is that one super contractor continues to cart off hundreds of millions of dollars in a very corrupt arrangement.
The Town Clerk is quoted as saying that the council needs to be more efficient with its tax collection, noting that there are outstanding rates and taxes. So what is his debt recovery unit doing?
Then he goes into his old worn-out refrain thanking workers for their patience, understanding and support in the effort to restore Georgetown to its pristine state.
That is the tune that the cow died on. Can the workers thank their mortgage companies, power and telephone and electricity companies, their grocer, their landlord, minibus drivers, etc, for their patience, understanding and support in the effort to restore Georgetown to its pristine state?
The Town Clerk clearly is not as dependent as other workers on his salary to survive and is being condoned by a Local Government Officers Union that has sold out the rights and welfare of the workers.
Deodarie Putulal