Dear Editor,
Reference to article captioned “CJIA hikes passenger fees to “support expansion costs”” that was carried in your April 17 edition, which says that with effect from April 1, 2019, outgoing and incoming passengers will have to pay US$35; outgoing US$17 and incoming US$15, payable in Guyana dollars at the prevailing exchange rate.
The new rates are for an increase in Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) security fees and the introduction of a passenger service charge, all effective from April 1, but officially announced on April 17.
First question: Is the “prevailing exchange rate” in accordance with the Bank of Guyana’s rates, the rates of local commercial banks, or those of the Cambios?
Secondly: Why should the local travelling public be asked to pay to support the airport improvement when the local travelling public pay their fair share of taxes, which went towards funding the full cost of the improvement? I believe the new charges should be levied on non-nationals, and not on nationals.
I recently bought a return ticket to Toronto, and embedded in the cost of the ticket is the usual G$4,000 airport tax. I am now required to pay an additional G$7,315 (equivalent of US$35). As such, my total cost to use the airport facility as an outgoing/incoming passenger will be G$11,315.
Third question: Would outgoing/ incoming passengers be required to pay the usual G$4,000 airport tax plus the G$7,315 to “support improvement” of the airport? And for how long would passengers be required to provide this support?
Editor, I should be grateful if the relevant authority could provide full clarity to the issues raised in this letter, so that the travelling public could be enlightened on a rather vague advisory issued by CJIA in the aforementioned captioned article.
Yours faithfully,
Jai Petam