Home Letters Clarity to protest action by some Re-cleaners at the Albion/Port Mourant Estate
Dear Editor,
The Guyana Sugar Corporation is aware of protest action taken by some of the Re-cleaners (employees cleaning drainage and irrigation waterways) working in the Albion Section of the cultivation of the Albion/Port Mourant Estate this morning. On August 25, 2022, the workers expressed their dissatisfaction with management’s decision to temporarily cease all re-cleaning operations and offer them alternative employment.
In keeping with the GuySuCo/GAWU extant agreement, the Estate’s Management, on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, held a meeting with the GAWU Field Secretary on the estate, two employees from the Albion Section and the Shop Steward from the Port Mourant Section of the cultivation to discuss the matter. All present were informed of the temporary changes, and were encouraged to inform their colleagues to take up the alternative work offered, so they can continue to earn and provide for themselves and families.
The meeting was adjourned with a common understanding that, as employees, we all have to be responsible, conscientious, and continue to work together for the success of the Albion/Port Mourant Estate.
The Re-cleaners were offered alternative work in the following areas of operation.
1) Manual planting
2) Fertilizing
3) Hand weeding and relief (removal of grass and trash in harvested fields)
4) Chemical weed control
5) Cane harvesting
On the morning of Thursday, August 25, 2022, management personnel were present at both order-lines (Albion and Port Mourant) to answer questions and provide further clarity that the employees may need regarding the alternative work being offered. They were informed that they needed to communicate with management which alternative work they prefer.
Nevertheless, while the Re- cleaners of the Albion Section of the cultivation are protesting, their colleagues at the Port Mourant Section are cooperating, and have taken up the offer of alternative work.
Management hopes that the Albion protesting employees reconsider the options placed before them, and resume normal duty like their Port Mourant colleagues. Also, the Corporation is expecting that the GAWU leadership would encourage the Albion Re-cleaners to take up the alternative work offered.
Angela Abraham-