Home Letters Classic bullying tactics by APNU/PNC/AFC Govt
Dear Editor,
I would like to respond to a libellous letter in the Guyana Chronicle which is under the caption “Annie Baliram’s missive on the unfortunate deaths at the GPHC” by Dr Mark Dervonish.
This letter largely contains libellous charges which aim to damage my reputation, hurt me, stifle me, punish me, bully me and undermine my human rights. This is the classic bullying tactics by the APNU/PNC/AFC Government. This Government is known for triangulating its supporters to engage in such dysfunction.
We all know that the Guyana Chronicle is politically controlled and is used as a weapon against Guyanese.
It is no secret that Guyana is a racially polarised nation. Human beings hurt because of overt racism and overt dysfunction in Guyana. I have been a victim of racism in Guyana like most Guyanese and these libellous charges are evidence of the level of racism the Indo-Guyanese people face at the brutal hands of the largely Afro-Guyanese backed APNU/PNC/AFC Government. This is exactly how racism perpetuates. Racism is learned. And such a situation needs to be addressed to move our country forward.
Moreover, the Guyana Chronicle needs to provide evidence to support the following charges about me:
(1) Dr Devonish’s position: “she turned to the PPP-aligned Guyana Times to write garbage and lies about me supporting criminals at the 1763 Monument– a monument for Afro-Guyanese”.
(2) Dr Devonish’s position: “Mr Editor, this very Annie Baliram contributes to [an] online blog titled Black Bullies. The stuff she writes about Afro-Guyanese makes [for] painful reading and is downright disgusting.”
I will take legal actions if the Guyana Chronicle fails to provide any evidence. Also, I am demanding an apology and a retraction of Dr Devonish’s letter.
There are many more false charges about me in this letter. I will address them later.
Dr Annie Baliram