Claudette Singh has failed this nation

Dear Editor,
Since March 4, 2020, GECOM has made a concerted effort to test Guyana’s democratic credentials. Since then the process has not been smooth although it has been peaceful. Guyana now sits on a tinder box of revulsion against the political cheats helped along by their enablers in GECOM.
I am now asking this question – Has the Chairman of GECOM been compromised? This email does not help her case.
From all the evidence at my disposal, I am clear in my mind that Chairman Claudette Singh has failed this nation. Her leadership style comes across as disengagingly introverted. These types of people meet and plan a lot but achieve very little from these planning meetings since they lack the governance competence to make timely decisions. Nowhere in her actions are we seeing someone who is a thoughtful “solutions engineer” that is totally focused on the key criteria to complete this election cycle – a credible process, transparent actions and timeliness of the results. Even the Prime Minister of Trinidad had his say on this confounded nonsense coming out of GECOM since March 4, 2020.
It is time the Madam Chair rolls her sleeves up and gets down to doing this nation’s work. The Madam Chairman’s output clearly explains what is “not value for money” as we were all taught in business school.
We must do beter.

With regards,
Sasenarine Singh