In the decades following WWII, we Third World countries had to choose between the First World – read the USA – and the Second World – the then USSR that’s now shriveled into Russia. Since we happened to be in the US’ backyard and yet chose the USSR, realpolitik ensured we paid the price!! Which in our case meant the PNC’s 28-year dictatorship that delivered hunger, homelessness and nakedness – and Guyanese refugees streaming out!!
Well, after the USSR imploded and threw in the towel – no Mas!! No Mas!! – in 1989 our governments recovered the plot – even the rump Russia – and fell into line. It was an amazing time in the unipolar world when the First World decided to build up China – the largest country in the Third World – to First World status!! Never mind it wasn’t done out of no altruism or humanitarian imperative – but guided by that preeminent capitalist value – profits, profits, profits!! And boy did the US – or rather it’s top 1% – rake in profits as China became the workshop of America. As well as providing Walmart and other chains with 90% of their merchandise!!
Was the best of both worlds, no?? The Chinese kept shipping real goods and collected pieces of paper printed by the US called “dollars”!! But you know what the old people say – time longer than twine – and pretty soon, with the Chinese holding TRILLIONS of greenbacks and the American factories deteriorated into “rustbelts”, the sh*t hit the fan!! Meaning we had an industrialized China that had the wherewithal to create a new bi-polar world order – if they decided to flex their muscles. Which they decided to do a decade ago as they entered the homestretch to replace the US as the largest economy in the world. And we know it’s money that makes that world go ‘round, don’t we?!!
So here we are – in another global standoff caught between two behemoths – which we shoulda known wouldaed happen sooner or later. Cause we know ‘two man-crab cyan live in the same hole”!! China’s strategy is to use its economic heft to integrate its factories with the Third World through a Belt and Road Initiative (B&RI) via which it had access to the latter’s raw materials – paid for with the US greenbacks in its treasury!!!
For a while the US couldn’t make up its mind whether to stick with profits over national pride and security!! But it looks like they’ve finally decided to confront the Chinese Dragon. They’re busy trying to build alliances across the globe to contain China and is softening up Russia – so’s to preclude a Chinese alliance.
Hence the high-level VP and Congressional visit – to ensure we don’t increase those B&I linkages!!
…with Brazil and Suriname??
Now while we gotta tread carefully between Uncle Sam and the Chinese Dragon, we should take a leaf out of the US’ playbook and build our own alliances. There’s always safety in numbers. While we’re members of a host of international groupings like Caricom and the Commonwealth – we need to tighten linkages with next door Brazil and Suriname. If for no other reason than the US is making goo-goo eyes at Venezuela – to get some of that oil from the LARGEST deposits in the world!!
Hey…no hard feelings…it’s all about “interests” , ain’t it?? While we can’t forget we’re still small potatoes in the grand scheme of things, closer ties with Suriname and Brazil ain’t gonna rile up the US – while offering cover against the covetous Venezs!! The government of Pres Ali has already done most of the heavy lifting to establish good rapport with Lula and Santokie.
We gotta operationalize some of the informal agreements – especially in energy, communications and infrastructure. Especially with Brazil!
…between extremists
They say “show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. Some in the political arena who’ve been speaking from both sides of their mouths have now been caught in bed with race-war agitators!!