Coalition chose pettiness over responsibility

Dear Editor,
The Opposition talks a lot about keeping the Irfaan Ali Administration in check, but that APNU/AFC-orchestrated walkout indeed shows that pettiness will always triumph patriotism.
They were not happy with the election of Lennox Shuman as Deputy Speaker, but that does not justify a walkout while the allocation and subsequent expenditure of billions of dollars were being considered.
Members of Parliament must be reminded that they were not elected to serve their party’s interests, but the interests of the people. The oaths they took have been desecrated by their actions.
I’ve listened to the pledges made by newcomers to the National Assembly, and was therefore appalled that they would allow themselves to be persuaded by those who do not have the backs of their supporters, and those who resort to gutter, tit-for-tat politics.
The walkout was done even as billions of dollars were being considered for allocation to constitutional offices. Not a cent of those allocations was scrutinised by the APNU+AFC.
The coalition ought to be ashamed of itself to allow billions of dollars – our money – to be allocated to offices without scrutiny. They have done no justice to the new roles as MPs they have assumed, nor to the people who voted for them.
What were the monies being allocated for? Were the monies too much? Too little? What were the monies going to procure? A donkey? Furniture? What? We may never know, because the coalition chose pettiness over their responsibility to the people.
Coalition, get your act together. We need you as much as we need the new administration.

M Hope