Home Letters Coalition’s satellite NGOs continue the charade
Dear Editor,
Responding during a press meet to the allegation that, in trying to reach deadlines for completion of projects, due diligence is ignored, with the implication that the quality and durability of completed works are compromised, President Ali challenged the naysayers and doom prognosticators to identify any project on which they base their baseless allegations and attempts to denigrate the undeniable near-miraculous turnaround by the PPP/C Government from the coalition administration’s devastation to progressive transformation of the nation’s infrastructural and socio-economic landscapes.
The President reiterated the oft-noted explanation given by various governmental officials in their responses to the multiplicity of accusations levelled by the discredited NGOs and individuals with coalition-prompted agendas, that every single project goes through a process that is accountable and transparent, with no dereliction of the regulatory factors being evident.
He explained that, as well, there is oversight by the Auditor General and Parliament, mainly through its oversight committees.
Reiterating that “every single question, every single scenario that is presented, we are ready and willing to provide answers where answers are required. There is no hidden agenda. The agenda and the transformation and development of this country are clear. We will stand up to any questions on our agenda. But it is clear that the progress and development and accelerated pace… This is the first country in the world where we have people complaining about the pace at which Government is going.”
Describing as laughable that someone would complain about the pace at which Government is transforming the country, the President challenged the usual suspects thus: “No one should believe that they will derail the development agenda of our country.”
During consideration of the Estimates of Budget 2022, it was a palpable laugh-fest, although it was nothing to laugh about, that the sanctimonious gangsters hypocritically questioned the authenticity of every line item.
Former coalition Government officials and current MPs, who had both secretly and openly raped the nation’s coffers and resources, presented themselves as the progenitors of rectitude, integrity, and moral compasses with the provision of good governance.
Outside of Parliament, the coalition satellite NGOs and media operatives continue the charade.
The discredited, who had disappeared behind a curtain of silence during the inglorious and corrupt maladministration of the coalition Government and its gerrymandering, posturing, rank criminal activities – blatantly breaching the country’s laws and constitutional diktats during its term in office subsequent to the passing of the no-confidence motion – prior and subsequent to elections 2022, have now awakened from their hibernation that lasted for years while the country was fighting on all fronts for restoration of democratic imperatives.
Their fallacious, malicious, envious, scurrilous attempts to cast doubts on the validity of governmental projects, or in the implementation of same, in efforts to impugn the reputations of the undoubtedly committed Government functionaries and to denigrate the progress generated by their efforts, are being viewed as implausible by a wiser population, who are now experiencing the differences between a PNC-led and a PPP/C-led governmental construct.
Yours sincerely,
Thomas Cole