Dear Editor,
The minutes of the last meeting, of October 30, 2018, were read, and corrected mostly by the Chairman, who then asked for someone to move the adoption. I said that since the last meeting had been so long ago, and I could not be sure that there were any omissions, I would not, in good conscience, move that motion; after which, the Chairman asked Commissioner Trotman to do so.
And lo and behold, Commissioner Trotman declined because, according to him, since I had declined to do it, he was following my lead! My, my, Commissioner Trotman following my lead!
I almost laughed out loud when Commissioner Corbin also declined to move the motion; and the Chairman did so himself, and then asked for a seconder, upon which the Legal Officer/Secretary assured him that his motion did not need one!
The whole reading of the minutes and what followed was something out of comedy central! And yes, this is what passed for a serious meeting of the Guyana Elections Commission today.
We were promised a report by the CEO on the 2018 LGE by the first week of December, 2018, and when asked about the report of the 2016 LGE, he said there was a report under the hand of the former DCEO, which he promised to share with us after nearly 3 years.
There was mention about the disappearing electoral ink, my finger remains unstained; and of laws which need to be amended, but that was put for another day, since the Chairman was very eager to have the meeting adjourned at 4pm. So, since next Tuesday is also a national holiday, the meeting was adjourned, and Wednesday November 21, 2018 at 1 pm was named as the date and time for the next meeting.
That’s all for today folks, until next Wednesday, when I hope we can have a more serious and meaningful meeting.
Bibi Safora Shadick
Commissioner – GECOM