Home Letters Compare GECOM’s actions with APNU’s complaint vs PPP/C complaint
Dear Editor,
Please compare the actions on the part of GECOM regarding A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU’s) complaint in Mabaruma, Region One (Barima-Waini) with several complaints made by individuals and the PPP/C in Whim, Corriverton, Berbice and elsewhere.
In the face of no investigations into their complaints, some complainants have resorted to a court action which GECOM stoutly defended to the tune of over $3 million. GECOM did not see it fit to investigate any complaint other than one made by the APNU on an issue which might not even have had any effect on the final results. Talk about duplicity!!
Prior to the meeting, I read of allegations being made in Lethem, but no one brought up that issue today. Perhaps we will hear more of that later.
The DCEO had no answer for several matters arising out of the minutes concerning tasks which should have been performed by the CEO. For instance, at last week’s meeting, the CEO had undertaken the task of providing commissioners with scanned copies of the declaration of results made by each of the eighty Returning Officers. I had asked for these, because I wanted to compare the ‘preliminary results’ with the actual declarations.
The numbers announced by the PRO, and published in various sections of the press under the heading of LGE Results, are just statistics showing voter turnout! Why not publish the actual numbers of votes cast for each political party? That is what can properly be called results, instead of saying that a total of 208,534 persons, or 36 per cent of the total registered electors, voted.
The electorate wants results, not statistics. Publication of the real results would publicly reveal the current mood of the electorate.
As I have had to say before, getting any information from GECOM is akin to pulling teeth — a painful process!! But I am prepared to persevere, and hope that one day things will get better at GECOM.
So long for now, until next week folks.
Bibi Safora Shadick
Commissioner –