Home Letters Constitutional requirements have been honoured
Dear Editor,
Following the successful passage of the No-Confidence Motion on December 21, 2018, the following salient processes should have been set in motion in accordance with Article 106 (6) and (7).
1. The President and Cabinet should resign
2. Parliament should dissolve
3. The President sets a date for an early election
To date, none of the above constitutional requirements has been honoured. It has been eight (8) months on and not a single aspect of the above matters as required by law has been settled. What we have been witnessing is an eddying cycle of nonsensical legal opinions by the PNC, which in essence amounts to an inordinate delay in the holding of General and Regional Elections.
It took billions of dollars of Granger’s lunacy in that vain attempt to evade those three main critical issues. This President will go down in history as the one who feared and, should I say, is mortified by the thought of facing the people in an election! Granger is most fearful of facing the electorate.
The latest in this con game of his is that GECOM is the body designated to set a date for elections, he is shifting the blame hence breaking the law, where the setting of a date for elections is concerned.
The calling of election is the role of the President, not GECOM, period, end of discussion! The Granger Administration knows this but is only trying to complicate the issue, but there is no complication in its interpretation.
The idea of having a House-to-House Registration and the “sanitising” of the voters’ list is just another deception meant to break the new deadline date of September 18 set by the CCJ. What they call sanitising of the voters’ list can easily be effected in the Claims and Objections period when all the relevant parties, institutions, and what have you, would be there to ensure that those who should be on the list are on the list while those who are deceased would be taken off by the official records furnished by the GRO. This is a simple aboveboard process which, for the most part, can be done in a month’s time, not the 20-month unilateral NRR process they are conducting at the present time.
Now, Article 106 (6) and (7) speaks to the President setting a date for election and that is not a carte blanc situation, wherein the President runs away with the idea that he can go on forever without setting a date, that is the erroneous assumption this Government is operating under, wherein he thinks he can do as he pleases, far from it. The President has 90 days or 3 months in which he must call elections. That is pellucid! Mark you well that should have been done in the first instance, which Granger, in his arsenal of tricks, allowed to expire on March 21, 2019, so, in its truest sense, this Granger Government is illegal.
What is very clear is that this Government is hell-bent on a rule by force, breaking every law as it goes along, but I must caution them that this is not going to happen. The Opposition has by September 18 to approach the Commonwealth as well as the United Nations to intervene in this illegal game of sorts carried out by the Granger cabal and bring an end to it all. We are not far from that stage of things.
Neil Adams