Contractor shoots bandit who snatched his cellphone

A 32-year-old contractor on Sunday night shot one of two bandits who robbed him of his cellular phone at the intersection of Irving and Forshaw Streets in Queenstown, Georgetown.
According to reports, the contractor was overseeing workers repairing a gate at a property he owns at about 19:45h when the suspects, riding a motorcycle, CM 1812, approached him.
One of the assailants, a 29-year-old of South Ruimveldt Gardens, demanded the contractor’s cellphone while brandishing a knife. The 29-year-old, who was the pillion rider, attempted to stab the contractor after confronting him. However, the contractor, who was holding his cellphone at the time, managed to evade the attack.
Subsequently, the bandit snatched the cellphone and swiftly turned to flee back to his accomplice on the waiting motorcycle.
According to Police, fearing for his life, after noticing the accomplice reaching towards a suspiciously bulky area on his waist, the contractor drew his firearm and fired three shots at the suspects.
This caused the men to abandon the motorcycle and flee the scene. However, the South Ruimveldt Gardens resident, who was struck by one of the bullets, collapsed a short distance away.
The contractor, with the help of his workers, apprehended him and retrieved the stolen cell phone. He was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he is receiving treatment for a gunshot wound to the middle of his back, with the bullet exiting through the right side of his abdomen.
The police are continuing their investigation as they search for the other person involved in the robbery. (G9)