‘Contributions’ made by third force political parties (Part 2)

Dear Editor,
At the first Alliance For Change (AFC) International Convention which was held in October 2015, the majority of the members present agreed that the AFC had become a ‘rubber stamp’ of the People’s National Congress (PNC) dominated A Partnership for National Unity. This excerpt was taken from the minutes of that Convention: “At this point, Mr Tameshwar asked for a show of hands by all those who perceive that the AFC is being used by APNU as a ‘rubber stamp’. The majority of attendees at the first International Convention of the AFC raised their hands to indicate that they are of the opinion that AFC is being used as a rubber stamp by APNU officials.” Mr Ramjattan and other AFC leader vehemently denied this but the facts were there to support the ‘rubber stamp’ claims.
Even the Working People’s Alliance (WPA) had earlier this year concluded that coalition politics in Guyana has failed to live up to expectations and Guyana is not benefiting at all. They cited non-consultation and usurping of all decision making at Cabinet level. The WPA should be applauded for this bold approach.
On the other hand, it is now conclusive that the AFC will never confront the PNC’s decisions and it is simply a matter of self-preservation. The appointment of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) is such a glaring example. The AFC has also exposed its aversion to confront and speak out on many important issues such as the lop-sided Exxon contract, the D’Urban Park scam, the Sussex Street Drug Bond rip-off, the corrupt award of the drugs procurement by the Public Health Ministry, the dismissal of nearly 5000 sugar workers, the continuing uncertainty which pervades Guyana Sugar Corporation, the depletion of the reserves at the Bank of Guyana and the current state of depression of the economy. The AFC will never rock the boat or the ‘sirens’ will be lost!
It is evident that the AFC has deserted its founding principles and our people will never trust another Third Force again. They have all betrayed Guyanese for 30 pieces of silver. But it is my wish that our country is not propelled back to the dark era of the PNC dictatorship but the current state of our economy strongly suggests that this is exactly the path we are heading.
A final question: Will the longevity of the PNC once again be perpetuated by rigging? The unilateral appointment of the GECOM Chairman and the discriminatory racial employment at GECOM would suggest that. But AFC will just be a decoration on the wall to justify an APNU ‘victory’!

Yours sincerely,
Haseef Yusuf
RDC Councillor
– Region Six