Cops facing corruption charges remanded to prison

After their arraignment on Wednesday before Chief Magistrate (ag) Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, two Policemen have been remanded to prison on charges of corruptly accepting money and of attempting to so do.
Police Constable Julian Smartt, 30, being represented by Attorney-at-Law Patrice Henry; and Constable Winston Williams, 25, being represented by Attorney-at-Law Jevon Cox, stood before the acting Chief Magistrate to answer a joint charge which detailed that on November 29, at the Prashad Nagar Police Outpost, while being agents of the Government, they attempted to obtain $150,000 from Qi Li Lin as inducement from the said Qi Li Lin to forgo prosecution for the following offences: restriction on handheld device use while driving; uninsured motor vehicle; and unlicensed motor vehicle; an act in relation to their principal duty.
It is further alleged that on November 29, Constable Williams obtained $30,000 from Qi Li Lin as inducement from the said Qi Li Lin to forgo prosecution for the above-stated offences; an act in relation to his principal duty.
These defendants have not been required to plead to the indictable charges.
Both lawyers asked the court to grant their clients reasonable bail, stating that their clients pose no flight risk, and that they would comply with any bail requirements. Henry said his client could not afford to post a $10M station bail.
However, Police Legal Advisor, Attorney-at-Law Mandel Moore, opposed the two being released on bail, pointing out that the offences are serious and carry a severe penalty.
Additionally, he made reference to the defendants’ oath of service and protection as members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
Both Police ranks have been remanded to prison after being denied bail.
The magistrate has given an explanation for her decision to deny them bail, citing the gravity and frequency of the offence, as well as the interest of the public.
She did, however, let the Policemen’s attorneys know that they could ask a Judge to grant bail. The next date for this matter is December 20.
Constable Smartt, of Lot C 14 Guyhoc, Georgetown, and Constable Williams, of Lot 406 Grove, East Bank Demerara, have both been interdicted from duty.
Police Headquarters had announced on Tuesday that after receiving a report of an alleged $8M robbery committed on Qi Li Lin, a thorough probe carried out resulted in the arrest of Constable Smartt and Constable Williams.
The Police have said that evidence has revealed that these Police Constables had both conspired with the principal offenders to rob the virtual complainant of his property.
Police have said they are on the hunt for the principal offenders.
“Detectives are in possession of evidence showing Constable Smartt taking the suspects to the crime scene. After the robbery was committed, Smartt and Williams (both of whom were on motorcycles and in uniform) were seen escorting the suspects to an area known as Rasville [in Georgetown],” a statement from the Police said.
“A file was prepared and sent to the Police Legal Advisor Mr Mandel Moore, who advised that, based on the facts, there is sufficient evidence to charge both accused jointly with the offence of ‘Conspiracy to Commit a Felony, to wit Robbery Under Arms, contrary to Section 34 of the Criminal Law (Offences) Act, Chapter 8:01,” the statement added.
Police have also said that the cops are scheduled to be arraigned on this charge on Tuesday. However, Attorney Henry informed this publication on Wednesday that the Police were forced to withdraw the charge due to a lack of supporting evidence.
He reasoned that the Police could file the charge only if they had managed to track down the two masterminds.(G1)