Corentyne man dies 1 week after being struck down by Police officer

Dead: Walter Jhondu

One week after he was allegedly struck down by a Police officer at Bengal Village, Corentyne, a pensioner succumbed to his injuries. The dead man has been identified as 73-year-old Walter Jhondu of Epsom Village, Corentyne.
He reportedly took his last breath on Thursday while receiving medical attention at the New Amsterdam Hospital. Based on reports received, at the time of the accident, the officer was reportedly driving a minibus and was proceeding along the Bengal Public Road while the now dead man was riding his pedal cycle.
The officer claimed that in the process of passing the pedal cyclist, he sounded his horn but the pensioner made a sudden turn and ended up in the path of the minibus. He stated that he felt an impact on the front right portion of the vehicle and immediately stopped.
Upon checking, he saw the injured pedal cyclist lying on the ground. The injured pensioner was picked up and taken to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital where he was treated and admitted as a patient in the male surgical ward. He remained there until his demise on Thursday.

The area where the accident occurred

The now dead man’s wife, Ginnet, told Guyana Times that her husband had related what transpired on the day of the accident.
“He say that he ride out from the backdam when dem done pick watermelon and done sell… he tell me that he see the bus ah come full speed from the back and when the bus reach close, he knock he and he fall down. After he fall down, he ent know nothing more. That is what he tell me,” the woman related.
She added that contrary to the Police report, after the accident, the driver of the bus took her husband home and it was she who took him to the hospital. The grieving woman said there was a double fracture to one of his legs in addition to internal injuries.
The woman said she reported the incident to the Police and was surprised that it was one week later that officers visited her, only after her husband had passed.
In fact, even though the accident was reported to the Police, they did not attempt to contact the victim during the one week he was hospitalised.
“Me go station and me make one report and dem say dem gon send one Police fo tek statement. When me ask he, he tell me that nobody nah go to he at the hospital.”
She referred to her late husband as hard-working while explaining that he would ensure that they lived comfortably.
Jhondu said she has not heard from the driver or even a relative of his since the accident. She is hoping that the two parties can meet and address the issue of compensation.
But according to the Police, the minibus driver is in custody and he is assisting with the investigation. (Andrew Carmichael)