Sixty-six-year-old Latchman Sukhu, a Rural Constable attached to the Mibicuri Police Station and late resident of Lot 86 Mibicuri North, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne Berbice, was struck from the bicycle he was riding by an allegedly speeding car on the village public road on Thursday at about 09:40h, and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Mibicuri Public Hospital, where he was rushed after the incident.
According to reports, motor car HB 8230, being driven by a 35-year-old male of Belvedere, Corentyne, was proceeding south along the eastern carriageway of the public road allegedly at a fast rate when it collided with the cyclist, who reportedly rode out from a street in the area.
A breathalyzer test conducted on the driver found no trace of alcohol in his blood. He, however, remains in custody assisting with the investigation.