Corentyne woman chopped, left for dead by lover

– Suspect allegedly left threatening messages for victim

Suspect, “Wire Barber”

A Corentyne woman is now in critical condition at the New Amsterdam Hospital after being chopped several times by her lover on Wednesday.
The injured woman has been identified as 36-year-old Sandy Persaud, also called ‘Baby’, of No. 69 Village Corentyne, Berbice. The incident reportedly took place at the home of the victim’s mother at No. 55 Village at about 5:00h.
During the early morning attack, Persaud’s mother was also lashed with a cutlass. This is the second attempt to harm Persaud in one week.
Parbatie Dyal, an aunt of the victim, recalled hearing screams at her sister’s home, and knew that her niece was in danger. She immediately rushed over to the house, but by then the suspect had already left the scene.

Chopped: Sandy Persaud

She, however, found her niece with chops to her shoulders, forearm, back, head, and feet. She was also stabbed to the abdomen.
The aunt said that Persaud, while in the hospital, asked that they say a prayer for her. “That is all she tell me in the emergency, but when I went to the house, she tell me that ‘Wire’ chop she and he get away,” she said.
The suspect is said to be a barber of No. 69 Village who goes by the name “Wire Barber”. The suspect and the victim started to see each other when she ended her marriage with her husband four years ago.
The barber is reportedly married, and his wife, who now resides overseas, was making arrangements to have him join her, but later learnt of his relationship with Persaud.
According to the injured woman’s 16-year-old daughter, her mother was living in an abusive relationship, and was not allowed to contact them. She said on many occasions her mother had marks of violence on her body. In February, the suspect had forced Persaud to move out of the district, but she returned last week.
The barber reportedly made several threats to Persaud, some of which were sent via voice notes. In some of the voice notes, the suspect is heard making threats, while in others he is appealing to Persaud to return home, while at the same time promising not to harm her.
One of the voice notes seems to suggest that the man has no intention of killing Persaud, but just harming her. “If you don’t come back home, I will cripple you…You see how people ah kill dem wife? If you want murderation, stay way you dea; and if you don’t want murderation, come to the house.”
In another note, he accuses her of infidelity, but says he forgives the woman. He even makes threats to post private and personal pictures of the woman on social media if she did not return to his house.
There are reports that some inappropriate pictures were posted on social media, but were subsequently removed.
“You coming back babes, let me come and collect you. Me ah beg you again – this is the last time babes. Me serious. Please come to the house babes…One more chance; last chance babes,” another voice note that was heard by Guyana Times said.
But in another message, the suspect seemed to be serious about reuniting with Persaud. “Me done tell you what me gone do, me ah go and sign one bond at the station or the court. Me tell you that me want you. Me want you to make a life with. Please, you want me, yes or no? Decide your mind and tell me what you want to do. Whatever happen done happen,” it said.
According to the aunt, Wednesday’s attack was the second time within the past week that her niece was attacked. “Last week she went to pay dem internet bill, and she tell me that when she went to pay the bill, he see when she come out the car and he go to she with a knife and when he pull the knife, she push him and he fall down and she phone also fall down and he grabble it…by the time, the car driver run out with a piece of iron bar and run he, but he run and getaway.”
Family members have expressed concern that the suspect could turn up at the hospital calming to be a family member and further harm Persaud. Police are on the hunt for him. (Andrew Carmichael)