Councillor bemoans unsanitary conditions at Aurora dormitory kitchen

– calls for works to be undertaken

People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Region Two Councillor Arnold Adams has called for immediate remedial works to be conducted in the kitchen of the Aurora Secondary School dormitory located at Aurora village in the Pomeroon-Supenaam Region.

Adams made this request during the last statutory meeting of the Regional

Councillor Arnold Adams
Councillor Arnold Adams

Democratic Council (RDC). Adams, speaking to his fellow Councillors, said he was unhappy with the present condition of the kitchen used to prepare food for children, who are staying at the dormitory. He said the kitchen was currently in a deplorable condition and he could not understand how the chefs are actually managing.

Adams said he was saddened by the state of the kitchen, and called for a better environment for meal preparation.

“The place is in a bad state. I can’t imagine children eating from there; I can’t imagine we are feeding people’s children food from such an unkept kitchen, something needs to be done,” Adams told his fellow Councillors.

He said that the cooking shed was faulty and leaked whenever it rained. Adams further explained he conducted several visits and he was surprised at the conditions at the facility.

He called on Councillors from the RDC to visit and to conduct a site inspection. Regional Vice Chairperson Nandranie Coonjah, who chaired the first RDC meeting for the year, said that the shed for the kitchen was supposed to be repaired and promised she would follow up with Regional Executive Officer (REO) Rupert Hopkinson.