Home News Councillor expelled from John-Port Mourant NDC
The only independent Councillor on the John-Port Mourant Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has been expelled for the remaining life of the Council.
The Council recently moved a motion to have Orin McDougal expelled.
At the Council’s statutory meeting, which was held last Friday, John-Port Mourant NDC Chairman Ishwarsammy Narainsamy called for a motion to be passed to have McDougal expelled.
Addressing the Council, he claimed that McDougal has been intimidating the staff, aiding and abetting residents of the community not to pay market revenue, as well as aiding and abetting with market vendors.
Narainsamy told the Council that what McDougal has been doing was gross disrespect to the Council, while noting that Council is now out of control.
“We are at an embarrassing situation where we cannot get the money to pay staff. The money has not been coming in and you have persistently been doing this thing so now we cannot even pay the increases to workers for 2019…A motion has to be moved to evict this man from the Council for the rest of his life because his action is bringing disrepute…,” the Chairman said, adding that the offences which McDougal committed are criminal.
However, when McDougal attempted to defend himself, the Chairman told him that he was not a Councillor and not authorised to speak.
However, McDougall said he has a right to defend the allegations.
Nevertheless, the motion was moved and voted on. Out of the thirteen councillors present, 11 voted in favour and one abstained. McDougal also did not vote.
Prior to that, Chapter 28:02 of the Local Government Act Section 12 was read to the Council.
Chapter 28:02 reads: <<<“If at a meeting any member of the Local Authority, in the opinion of the Chairman notified to the Local Authority, misconduct himself by persistently disregarding the ruling of the Chair, or by behaving irregularly, offensively, improperly or by wilfully obstructing the business of the Local Authority, it shall be competent for a member to move ‘That the member named not be further heard’ or ‘That the member do leave the meeting’ and the motion, if seconded, shall be put and determined without discussion”.
Following the reading of the section of the law, Councillors voted on the motion and the Chairman ordered that McDougal be removed from the Council’s chambers.
The meeting was then adjourned.
However, McDougal refused to leave and the Chief of Security attempted to remove him from his seat but the two ended up in a scuffle.
Meanwhile, McDougal said that he was not the one responsible for the drop in revenue being collected. At one time, the NDC was collecting over $1 million in revenue monthly. The NDC now collects a third of that sum monthly from the market.