Cozier pump needs servicing – residents

Cash crop farmers residing at Cozier in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) have vented their concerns over the non-functioning of the Cozier pump that has resulted in widespread flooding on their lands.
According to farmers, the pump has not been serviced in months, and that is now having a negative effect on their livelihood.cozier-1
More than 120 farmers reside in the area close to the Pomeroon River and cultivate a large area of rice, plantains, coconuts, fruits and legumes.
According to farmers, the area requires attention and “Bamboo Dam” is in need of a revetment. Farmers have related that the road has eroded; they are prepared to assist with the labour to fix the road if the RDC would provide the mini-excavator and materials.
This newspaper was informed that the contract for the clearing of the Cozier Canal was stopped by the Water Users Association (WUA). Farmers vented their concern, stating that such actions by the WUA can lead to the canal being clogged up by vegetation.
Farmers said that drainage was a major concern and explained that the canal needed digging, sluices required maintenance, and the pump operations needed frequent monitoring. They have also suggested that a new canal needed to be dug. (Indrawattie Natram)