CPA responded to over 2700 cases of child abuse

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The Human Services and Social Security Ministry (MHSSS), through its Child Care and Protection Agency (CPA), has to date responded to approximately 2,753 reports of child abuse, and continues to remain vigilant in an effort to ensure that all children can live in a safe and secure environment.
This has been revealed by Levine Gouveia, Head of the Child Care and Protection Agency, on Wednesday during that Ministry’s annual Child Protection Awareness Rally held at the University of Guyana’s Tain Campus in Berbice.
Subject Minister Dr Vindhya Persaud, who delivered the keynote address at the rally, credited that number of responses to the courage of those who had reported cases of abuse.
“Wherever children are, we need to be more vigilant in ensuring that we listen to our children, we hear them, and we take all steps in our power to ensure that, where they are, they are catered for in how we navigate child care and protection,” the minister has said.
With a focus on rehabilitating survivors of abuse, the MHSSS offers an array of hands-on assistance, including schooling and counselling to children who have been rescued from abusive homes. These efforts are aimed at aiding in promoting a feeling of normalcy and stability for victims.
Dr Persaud has stressed, “We need to be proactive, and we need to ensure that every case is followed up until that child’s safety is guaranteed. We must never allow any child’s case to slip through the cracks, irrespective of how many cases we have.”
The MHSSS has published a parenting manual and has introduced parenting courses to educate guardians on proper and safe child care in moves aimed at promoting non-violent disciplinary methods.
As she spoke on disciplinary actions, Minister Persaud encouraged parents to “talk to your child, and use other forms of discipline.”
Teachers also have been encouraged to go beyond academics to educate and nurture students on how to attend to their wellbeing.
Government continues to process child abuse cases and provide the necessary support, while the MHSSS is encouraging all citizens to remember that “child protection is everyone’s business.”