Education Minister Priya Manickchand visited the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE) where she met with the Principal and administrative staff on Tuesday.
During the meeting, several issues were discussed with the group including the commencement of its online training ,which is to begin soon.
Understanding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on education delivery regarding face-to-face engagement, Manickchand had asked for CPCE to start offering its programmes online.
This will address the need for teachers to continue their training while being away from the College and its centres, and will benefit those persons living far away from the College’s locations.
This will also remove the limitations placed on enrolment as training is being done beyond the physical classroom. Hence, more students can be accepted to begin their studies as the student population will no longer be limited by physical space.
Various software programmes were purchased for this to become a reality.
With this new approach, the number of persons who are applying and being accepted to the CPCE has quadrupled. The Education Minister said that she was looking forward to CPCE going online soon.