Crime in Zeelugt on the rise

Dear Editor,
Allow me a few words in your paper to represent myself and fellow community members. I hail from the community of Zeelugt on the West Coast of Demerara.
As of recent the community has been haunted. Not haunted by ghosts but by bullies and ignorance. Our youths are glaringly committing criminal acts and I do not appreciate it. Youths covering the age range of 15 to 25 are gallivanting through the community and engaging in larceny, destruction, and threatening innocent villagers.
I fear for myself and others. Why should in the middle of the night I should be worried if there is someone by my front gate? Or if someone is trying to jump my fence? Why when I walk on the road I must I clench my bag? Or why when I leave my house I should worry if my house will be the same as I left it.
I ask myself the above and think to myself, I should not have to!
Mr. Irfaan promised safer neighborhoods and so did his team. Mr Indar frequently visits the community; however there has been no efforts to curb the deteriorating discipline of the community’s youths.
Allow me to call these “important” men out point to them at the situations of some communities. While they live protected, civilians are left to worry and keep their hearts in their hands.
I offer some recommendations: Can we have a routine patrol of officers maybe thrice a day/night! Can the leaders within the community please speak to these delinquents! Can parents please find constructive work for your children! And finally, can you young men “please find a work”
May Zeelugt be Safe!

Joel Wilkie