…on crime
They talk about some people burying their heads in the sand when they don’t want to face the truth. But from the inane (insane?) utterances of others, it’s clear others just bury THEIR heads in their nether orifices. Since they simultaneously also put their foot in their mouths when they carry on with their “schupidness” , it’s quite a sight to behold them in this situation!!
Take Khemraj Ramjattan (as Rodney Dangerfield used to say…“Pleeease!”) who just happens to be Minister of Public Security. For the past year and a half, he’s been coming up with one inanity after another. But unfortunately, since it has to do with OUR security, your Eyewitness doesn’t find them funny. He’ll pass over Ramjattan’s Columbus-like “discovery” of “greed” as the source of all crimes and his 2am drinking curfew…and move right into his present bloviation – crime statistics.
For the past year, the fella’s insisted that the increasing crime wave’s a figment of our imagination and the statistics show crime’s actually decreasing! It’s now clear he’s the one behind the police jumping on THAT particular bandwagon. But he just decided the media’s the real culprit – not the bandits. The media are just making up most of the reports of murders, robberies, rapes and other gratuitous acts of mayhem and giving the peace loving bandits a “bad name”.
But he only revealed how clueless he is on crime. Building on his earth-shaking revelation that “Guyana always had crime”…he asked the Muckraker over the weekend, “Do you know what the crime rate in New York is? How come the New York Times isn’t filled with crime reports?”
The Muckraker should’ve asked Ramjattan is HE knew what the crime rate in New York was!! But then the Muckraker ain’t the New York Times!! The question just goes to show how starved of oxygen Ramjattan’s brain must be! Even though NYC has a population of 8.5 million – more than TEN times ours – their numbers of murders are just around 350 nowadays, just about twice ours in absolute numbers. What this means – if Ramjattan had bothered to check – is our murder rate’s FIVE TIMES that of NYC!!! And ditto for most of the crimes our police lists as “serious”.
But Ramjattan should’ve also looked at how rapidly NYC was able to reduce its murder rate in the last decade…and taken some notes. The Police and the Commissioner didn’t try to deny reality. They took action.
As Colin Powel described his strategy in Iraq, “Our strategy in going after this army is very simple. First we are going to cut it off, and then we are going to kill it.”
Evidently, it’s that time of the year. Yes, it’s the Christmas season and GPL’s doing its best to commemorate the event by giving us blackouts with such increasing frequency, a visitor would be forgiven for thinking all Guyana was a blinking Christmas tree. Guyanese just want to know why GPL insists on making Guyana a “blasted” Christmas tree!
But they won’t be getting answers anytime soon. The GPL top Brass, including its acting CEO and Chairman Robert Badal (the Chicken-feed man) have thrown up their hands and confessed they’re clueless as to what’s going on. Now ain’t that a bi*ch!?!
Here were these big ones now running the Government, running their mouths about how the previous Government was overpaying the previous CEO. Folks went along with their criticism. Even though he’d improved the electricity generation waaaay above what he’d inherited, there was need for improvement. But at least he could explain WHY blackouts happened under his watch.
If you’re in the dark on this, how can you ever fix it?
…on the economy
The Government insists Winston Jordan’s an “economist” – just because he has a degree in the subject. And this explains our economic tragedy.
Would you have your brain operated on by a fella who graduated from med school – but never performed an operation?