Home News CRMA facilitated over 1000 jobs for youths in 2017
– 700 registered in 2018
The Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency, under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Protection, registered some 2000 job-seekers drawn from Regions Two, Three, Four, Five, Six and Ten for 2017. One thousand of those registered were provided jobs.
Most persons seeking jobs are between ages 15 and 35, Chief Recruitment and Manpower Officer Valarie Moore told the Department of Public Information (DPI). She said that for 2018 (January to March), some 700 persons registered for jobs, about 200 of which were placed in jobs.
Moore explained that for January alone, the agency saw a total of 95 persons, while in February some 169 persons registered. These numbers, she said, do not include those that are already in the system awaiting job placement.
“We have a term we call submission, which means sending someone to take part in interviews. And so sometimes that number will be more than the registration that we have, but we normally look at those persons in the system already,” Moore added.
For those persons with two and three subjects at Caribbean Secondary Examination Council (CSEC) and little or no skills, Moore said the call centres usually take off those persons.
Moore noted that they advise persons on where they can go to improve their qualifications and get assistance. They also share with job-seekers what are some of the benefits of obtaining a skill and/or academic qualifications.
The agency also collaborates with the Board of Industrial Training (BIT), which provides training for unqualified individuals through the Government Technical Institute (GTI) and the Guyana School of Agriculture.
However, she said that sometimes some of the youths do not need jobs, but need advice, or in some cases public assistance. Those persons are referred to the Woman of Worth (WOW) and the Sustainable Livelihood and Entrepreneurial Development (SLED) programmes under the Ministry of Social Protection.
The Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency is a division of the Social Protection Ministry. It registers applicants for employment, taking specific note of their occupational qualifications, experiences, and desires. It evaluates, if necessary, their physical and vocational abilities. Its objective is to place individuals seeking jobs in suitable employment, while providing career guidance and counselling. The Agency was established by the Government of Guyana in October 1944.