Cruelty to animals in Region 6

Dear Editor,

As a resident of the Central Corentyne, East Berbice area, it is appalling to watch the inhuman treatment meted out to animals, especially cow, dogs, horses, donkeys, etc. This happens on a daily basis in front of Policemen and other Guyanese, and no one reacts to this crime against the animals.

Cruelty to animals is no big thing here in these parts of Region Six. A few days ago, a man beat his dog to death because the dog played with the tablecloth and destroyed it. This happened in front of family members and neighbours, and everyone just stood there, watched and stayed quiet.

Also, this week, I discovered the street dogs are being poisoned as a way of cleansing the housing settlement. This is not the first mass killing of dogs.

Guyana has so much land space, why can’t the Guyana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA) or the Ministry of Agriculture provide shelters that can accommodate these animals until they can be resettled in new homes?

Another point is that GSPCA should have locations in all the regions across Guyana, not only in Georgetown, to help prevent cruelty being meted out to these animals, and to enforce laws that protect animals in this regard.


Concerned Citizen