Dear Editor,
Delivering the feature address at the launching of the Cunha Canal Rehabilitation Project (CCRP) on February 4, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder stated that the Cunha Canal, located on the East Bank of Demerara, is intended to serve two purposes. Firstly, to drain farmlands located in the villages of Kuru Kururu, Coverden, Pearl, Sarah Johanna and secondly, to relieve flood waters from the East Demerara Water Conservancy (EDWC) into the Demerara River.
Unfortunately, rehabilitation of the derelict structures listed as the CCRP will be unable to provide drainage simultaneously for the above-listed villages and the EDWC, particularly during periods of heavy rainfall when the villages’ drainage channels and the EDWC are in flood modes.
The Cunha Canal was designed to operate at high water level to relieving flood water from the EDWC into the Demerara River. Minister holder was therefore correct when he stated that,” the Cunha Canal is a key element to the operation of the EDWC,” as it is one of many drainage outlets critical for the safe operation of the Conservancy, preventing floodwater overtopping its dam and damaging adjoining homesteads and farmlands.
The Cunha Canal’s primary purpose is to assist in keeping water levels in the EDWC at pre-determined elevations to maintain assured water supply to users and prevent overtopping of the Conservancy Dam thus threatening its stability. It is inconceivable; therefore that the Cunha Canal can provide gravity drainage for the EDWC and the villages which it encompasses simultaneously when the Conservancy and village drainage channels are all in flood modes which happen during periods of heavy rainfall. There are reasons to believe also that their bed slopes and levels (canal and channels) have different elevations which will adversely affect gravity water flows in the intended directions.
Given the circumstances, it would be reassuring if Minister Holder could state clearly how the CCRP will make Mr Nauth, Chairman of the NDC drainage ‘pipe’ dream becomes a reality for the residents and farmers of his constituency.
Yours truly,
Charles Sohan