Cyclist killed after being struck down by unlicensed driver
A 38-year-old pedal cyclist is now dead after he was struck down by an unlicensed driver on the Tuschen Public Road, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) on Monday afternoon.
The car that struck down and killed Alfred Premnarine
Dead is as Alfred Premnarine of ‘C’ Field Leonora, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
The Police have said that motorcar PNN 5543, which was being driven by an unlicensed 23-year-old, was heading west along the Tuschen Public Road at a fast rate of speed when the driver lost control of the vehicle and it struck down Premnarine, who was proceeding in the opposite direction.
Alfred Premnarine’s bicycle that he was riding at the time of the accident
After hitting Premnarine, the vehicle collided with a parked lorry before coming to a halt.
Premnarine received injuries to his head and body, and was picked up in an unconscious state by the Police and taken to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The body was escorted to the Ezekiel Funeral Parlour, where a post mortem examination will be conducted.
The driver has been arrested, and remains in custody at the Leonora Police Station as investigations continue. (G2)