Cyclists cautioned to avoid COVID-19 while staying fit

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, Randolph Roberts, coach and organizer of the Flying Ace Cycling Club in New Amsterdam Berbice, is urging cyclists to exercise caution while continuing their training to stay fit.

Cycling Coach Randolph Roberts

Roberts is asking cyclists to stay away from crowds while they continue to train. He is advising cyclists to exercise in natural conditions, as that would aid in preventing them contracting coronavirus. Cyclists, especially from across East Berbice, can be seen daily practising on the roadways.
When the situation returns to normal, Roberts noted, a host of cycle races would be staged in the proverbial “ancient county” of Berbice.
Roberts disclosed that the Mayor’s Annual would be the first cycle race in Berbice. It will be circuited around the town of New Amsterdam.
The next race to be staged is the Benjamins’ Race, a 50-miler that was won in 2019 by Andre ‘Padlock’ Green.
Two major races have thus far been hosted in Berbice in 2020: the Seven Seas 40-miler and the Courts 50-miler, and both were organized by Roberts. Berbician Romello Crawford won the Seven Seas race, while Team Cocos cyclist Marcus Keiler won the other event.