Home Letters Daily struggles we have with many political obstacles in our way
Dear Editor,
There is no doubt Guyana is on an upward trajectory; however, ever so often, we meet with obstacles in the way of progress, and the problems I am about to expound on come from both ends of the political spectrum.
I begin with the APNU Chairman of Sandvoort, West Canje, East Berbice. Now, the Ministry of Agriculture, led by Minister Zulfikar Mustapha, has allotted a bulldozer to the West Canje district of Sandvoort to carry out clearance of land up to the amount of 5 acres. When that machine arrived there, it was the mistaken belief of the APNU Chairman that it was sent to do lands of his choosing. You are talking about a Government-owned machine sent to do work for Guyanese in the area being treated as the personal property of the APNU Chairman. And thus, for six months, he directed the bulldozer to carry out clearance works for himself and his family, and some leftover land, with the express motive of stealing.
Not one acre of my land was touched; which I am livid about, and for which he had no answer. The diabolical “control obsession” of APNU is in his head, and, as such, he has worked that theory to the letter. I am not, by any means, interested in his obsession; I am interested in work done for Guyanese in that area. Please leave the sordid PNC politics out of the equation.
The bulldozer is now out of Sandvoort, and is in another West Canje village named Vryheid. Listen to this chairman’s excuse for not getting my place done in Sandvoort: He contends that he was never in “control” of the machine; rather, it was Chairman Armogan who was in control of the bulldozer, and he has now removed it into the predominantly Indian area of Vryheid. This is the racial and political concoction of nonsense he wants me to believe.
I spoke to Mr Armogan personally, and the explanation given by the APNU Chairman is not even remotely close to the truth. The distressing thing about it is that, for an APNU-controlled area, that place has never received any developmental upgrades from that party. For decades, Hamilton Green would go into Sandvoort and recruit African dancers to entertain himself, but never to grant them the privileges of modern amenities. Potable water, electricity, drainage and irrigation, as well as telecommunication came to Sandvoort by the PPP/C Government. So, this chairman should be ashamed of himself for ever standing in the way of the progress of other villagers, whom he might claim to be of another political affiliation.
I now turn to the PPP/C D&I foreman of that area, who is going along the same route as the APNU Chairman of Sandvoort, albeit in a subtler manner.
It has been three years now since my cousin applied for work in the D&I Team of West Canje. Each time he is met with, “The minister hasn’t approved the names, and next year they will approve names”, and the excuses go on. I intervened by asking this foreman why my cousin, who is a bona fide Guyanese, cannot get a job opportunity in an area that he claims has seven vacancies.
But you have to understand the motive behind this foreman’s shenanigans. During the three-year royal runaround, this foreman employed two workers, women. My cousin is a man, which makes him ineligible for a position in this foreman’s work team. In his scheme of things, he wants a bevy of women he can “control.” You get my drift!
This foreman represents those who would give the Government a bad name, and I would not stand for that. Whether it comes from the APNU or PPP/C end, I will fight it to the very end. I have already raised my concerns with Region Six Chairman David Armogan and Mr. Zamal Hussain, and they have promised to look into the matter urgently. I have also forwarded copies of this letter to Ministers Zulfikar Mustapha and Sonia Parag.
Neil Adams