DCC 10-day camp aims to develop fundamentals among youth cricketers

–Head Coach Roger Harper

Sessions being facilitated by Coach Roger Harper

With the aims of developing and nurturing cricket talents and the goal of discovering fresh talent, the Demerara Cricket Club (DCC) commenced its yearly ten-day youth camp at its location in Queenstown, Georgetown earlier this week.
The camp is catering specifically to under-18 cricket players, both male and female, sessions of which are offered from Monday to Friday, wherein participants would be exposed to the principles of the sport and to skill development both on and off the field.
Speaking to <<Guyana Times Sport>> Head Coach Roger Harper expounded on the camp’s aim to teach and develop the fundamentals of cricket among young cricketers when he said, “Yes, this is the Demerara Cricket Club’s annual Youth Summer Camp, and the aim of the camp is one: to introduce some of the young players who are interested in the game…to the fundamentals of the game; try and make sure they understand the fundamentals, and develop those fundamentals. Also, the ones who have been playing regularly, (we aim) to try and take their skill to another level, and make sure they understand what is required of them to really develop their skill and become better players. But we (also) want to ensure that they have fun and they enjoy what they’re doing.”
Harper expounded on the impact of the camp, over the years, in regard to West Indies and Guyana selection.
He said, “Well, we have a number of young players who are members of the club, and we have a number of young fellas here who play for other clubs around the Georgetown area, and even wider areas. So, we anticipate that we’ll have, as has happened in the past, a number of fellas who have been at the camp to go on to greater things, including representing the West Indies both at youth level and (at) international level.
“Well, (here’s) a brief example: Kevin Imlach is a product of Demerara Cricket Club, and he’s been at this camp for a number of years. I think when Gavin Nedd started and he was involved in running the camp, he’s (Imlach) been involved in the camp, and came through. So, a number of young players: Sachin Singh, Joshua Persaud, a number of players have been involved, and we expect that this will continue.”
The camp would be sessions from Monday to Friday from 09:00hrs to 15:30hrs daily. Participants are asked to be attired in track or short pants, white tee or polo shirts, track boots and socks, along with cricket white clothing. (Omar McKenzie)