Dealing with …climate kickback

Over in the US, as they proceed into their winter months, Florida and her neighbours have suffered one of their most destructive hurricanes: Helene, with some 200+ deaths, and untold billions in damage and cleanup expenses that are still ongoing!!
And before they could say, “Likety split” – rural Americans say some weird things!! – one of the fastest moving hurricanes ever seen – Milton – barrelled across the Florida panhandle. Fastest moving because the Gulf of Mexico is unusually warm this year!!
Meanwhile, in Europe, floods and wildfires have given way this year to more killer floods. And, of course, the Ukraine War is proceeding apace, with Russia continuing its assault and the West increasing arms shipments to Ukraine!! Oooooh!! Your Eyewitness can just see the arms merchants rubbing their hands with glee!!
So, exactly what’s going on?? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Climate Change is kicking in – and kicking a whole lotta a55es in the process!! In case you missed it because you were under attack at some Cricket Carnival “concert”, our hell-like heat wave that refuses to move on to sizzle Mad Maduro is OUR sign that Climate Change is here, and it’s REAL! Our war is signalled by the Opposition desperately hitting their flints together to get a spark to start some conflagration over whether the Government’s cash grant proposal is their idea or not!!
Your Eyewitness is really worried that we aren’t taking these two sources of heat – one from the natural world and the other from the social world – seriously enough. Look at all the hotels going up; are their owners being warned that, in a couple of decades, they could all literally become not just Atlantic “beachfront properties”, but BEACHES!??! Maybe a “climate change” tax ought to be imposed to help defray the cost of keeping out the Atlantic. Those sea walls, rip-rap structures and boulders don’t come cheap!!
But, most of all, we better get going with that new Silica City, which the President announced a year ago would be established. Your Eyewitness has said this before, and he’ll keep on saying it till someone listens: LET’S GET IT ON!!! Cause the old people say “who na lissen guh feel!!” and he has no intention of feeling the Atlantic battering his deteriorating body!!
We should start by moving all the Government Ministries and new Parliament Buildings from near the proposed Haags Bosch area to Silica City – like Brazil did with Brasilia back in the sixties. Leaders are supposed to be leading by example, and what better example than our leaders going the whole hog and making Silica City our administrative capital? It’ll be like the US, where New York’s the economic capital and Washington’s the political capital.
Gotta hedge our bets, baby!!

There’s a Chinese saying, “Better to be a dog in times of tranquility than a human in times of chaos!” And against that background, Former President Trump’s threats to unleash massive “Universal” tariffs against other countries – which would affect the Chinese the most – just made our times much more “interesting”!! After all, look what poking the Russian Bear’s rump in Europe has gotten us into: bread shortages across the world, since Ukraine and Russia are two of the biggest exporters of wheat.
But from a realpolitik standpoint, your Eyewitness kinda understands the situation in Europe. There, Putin the Authoritarian showed all signs of following in the footsteps of Stalin – or Fredrick the Great, if you will – to build Russia into a “European” power. The USSR had fallen apart through the weight of its own pretentions and contradictions.
If you think trying to have a Cadillac lifestyle in a donkey-cart economy is ridiculous, imagine trying to match the US militarily when you can’t even produce a tractor!!

…the Opposition
The PPP really has the Opposition on the run!! Imagine their best answer to the PPP’s initiatives is “We wanted to do that!!” Burnham was full of good ideas (among other things!!) but executed NONE.