By Jarryl Bryan
Christmas is here, and children everywhere are busy writing letters to Santa Claus, pleading their case for gifts and justifying why they deserve a spot on his nice list and why they should not be on Santa’s naughty list. Guyana is no exception to this festive tradition, and below is a collection of heartfelt letters from local kids to the North Pole’s most famous — and arguably only — resident.

Dear Santa,
I hope you and your elves are well and not feeling too cold up there in the North Pole.
I have been very good this year and if my teacher writes and tells you I haven’t, it’s not true. I threw a ball and it went through the window and hit her on the head but it was an accident.
If my mother tells you I’ve been naughty, she’s wrong I didn’t mean to break the television and I have tried really hard to be good.
Please bring me a new TV and bring my teacher a new window.
Dear Santa,
My name is Tadeous Peters, and I’m 8 years old. I’m writing to you today because, well, I don’t really believe in you but my aunt says you might be real, so I’m just writing in case my uncle sees this. He looks a lot like you, with that big belly and all, so maybe you’re just him in disguise!

I want to ask you for a yellow toy car for Christmas. But not just any yellow car I want one that’s so fast, it can zoom away from my big sister before she grabs it. She’s always taking my stuff! If that car could fly, I would be safe, and she wouldn’t be able to catch it.
Oh, and we won’t be leaving out milk and cookies for you. In Guyana, we know you need a little kick to keep going, so we’ll leave out pepperpot and bread. That way, when you eat it, you’ll be supercharged to make it through the rest of the night! I might leave it on the steps though, because we don’t have a chimney, and we don’t play with that coming through the window business.
Santa, you can probably carry the next parcel of pepperpot and bread grant for my mom back to the North Pole pool. (It’s an inside joke, but don’t worry, you’ll figure it out!)
Thanks in advance for the car! And if it doesn’t fly, I’ll just ask my uncle to join your team he seems like he’s got the “big-belly” part down already.
Merry Christmas
Thadeous Peters
P.S Will I get a Santa Claus belly one day because it seem like a usual thing with Guyanese men.

Dear Santa,
I don’t think we’ll be home for this Christmas. We are going on a vacation to Canada. So can you bring my gift there at the hotel in Canada but be very smart to walk with your cookie and milk. There would not be any cookie or milk there because dad ate it on the way. Santa please don’t forget the date because you will meet till next year Christmas and that will be too late.
Jada Lamaizon
Dear Mr Claus,

My name is Trishanna. I’m from a little town called Mahdia. I don’t want any gift for myself this year. I am writing this letter to ask you to deliver a gift for my mom. I was saving to get her an iPhone 16. But I think some of my money come out my piggy bank because its not enough to buy even a button phone. She should be on the nice list. Oh, one more thing, our home doesn’t have any chimney, so I will leave the door open so you can put her gift under the Christmas tree. Your cookies and milk will be on the dining table. Please enjoy.
Trishanna Leung
Dear Santa,
I trust all is well and that you have my gift wrapped and ready to go because between me and you I have been nothing but good all year.

I know you only exist in the movies but if by any chance you are passing my way, don’t hesitate to stop. I know you are checking your list and you are checking it twice but just in case you forgot, here are just a few things I would like to have. First of all, a bicycle, one that I can actually ride. I got one for my birthday and for some strange reason I can’t ride it. I’m sure it’s the bike’s fault and it has nothing to do with my skills. While you’re at it, please for a drone, a nice high tech one, and a lovely AC because I don’t know if you know, but this place has been crazy hot lately. Its like the sun sneaking up on us.
That’s all for now.
Yours truly,

Dear Santa,
I am 4 years old and all I want for Christmas is a baby brother or sister because playing with my mommy is boring.
Dear Santa,
Even though I don’t believe in you, hopefully my wish will come true. Guyana is really hot, so, probably something to cool off like a fan because fans in my house break easily. This is going to the North Pole, but I have to ask: How do you deliver gifts to every house in…like one hour? And do you give gifts to the homeless children on the streets?