Decades-old problem resolved as Vergenoegen residents begin to receive land titles

…some lots in dispute; owners overseas in other cases

A decades-old problem has been resolved as residents of Acme Housing Scheme and the Railway Embankment (Parcel 137) in Vergenoegen, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara), began to receive their land titles.
A simple handing over ceremony on Friday saw 47 titles being distributed to residents, who had engaged with President Dr Irfaan Ali last month on the issue.
President Ali, who was present at the distribution exercise, explained that 150 lots were identified for regularisation and 94 have been verified and processed for land titles.
“I want to assure you that every single lot will be regularised and the [other] titles will be ready in the coming days,” the Head of State assured.
However, he said 13 lots currently have disputes and there are 17 where the owners are currently overseas.
Meanwhile, President Ali underscored the importance of residents finally receiving their titles, after as long as 49 years.
“Today, we are resolving a 49-year-old problem in this community,” he remarked.
“We know how important the title is to you so that you can have access to loans, you can have legitimate ownership of your land, many of you would have spoken to me to say you want to do legal documents in terms of wills and all of these things, so all of these things can be resolved.”
A group of residents had last month raised with President Ali the fact that are looking to move away from the co-op society structure that was in place and wanted individual titles for their lands.
This prompted Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal to engage the residents and get the process started. Despite encountering a number of legal hurdles, the matter was sorted out.
“This is part of our Government’s commitment to ensuring that we improve the standard of living, give you better conditions under which you live and ensure that there is empowerment at every level,” Ali told the residents on Friday.
He also assured that the necessary investments will be made to improve the community’s infrastructure, noting that some contracts have been awarded in this regard.

Operation Clear Up
Meanwhile, both President Ali and Minister Croal announced that similar interventions will be made in other communities under “Operation Clear Up” to ensure residents receive titles for their lands.
President Ali said titles will soon be distributed to residents of Blueberry Hill, Linden, Region 10; Bath in Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice) and; Lima Sands, Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).
Minister Croal, meanwhile, said over the next two months, at least 139 persons in Region Three will receive certificates of title. These include for areas such as Philadelphia Railway Embankment, Barnwell, and Planation De Willem. (G11)