Come Saturday, November 19, twelve deejays from around Guyana will battle for supremacy and a title as the Best Deejay on the West Side at the parking lot of the Leonora Stadium. The event is called the Westside 45 DJ Kick Out Deejay competition. 
Those competing for the grand prize are Deejays Spotlight, Links, Smallzz, Jahalla, Selector Keston, Turf, D Dangles, D Boss, Kevin, Sixx, Unruly and Famous. The winner will walk away with one Apple laptop computer, one Beats headphone, $200,000 in cash and the champion’s trophy.
Prizes will also be given to the best dressed deejay, most hyped deejay, and most popular deejay.
The competition is made up of five rounds, with the first being the “God bless round”. In the second round, the deejays can only play Guyanese music which is referred to as the “Guyanese music round”. Round three is referred to as the “Party round”, while round four is titled “I am a special DJ” – in this round, the contestants cannot play reggae, dancehall, rap, hip hop or R&B. Any other genre of music can be played.
Meanwhile, round five will be the last man standing round where the last three deejays in the competition will go at each other “tune for tune” with three songs each. As round five intensifies, one deejay will be eliminated.
The remaining two standing deejays will have to impress their fans in another “tune for tune” with five songs apiece. The crowd will be the judge and will select the winner of the competition.
The competition starts at 20:00h sharp and admission costs only $1000. Tickets will be available at the venue. The event is sponsored by Two Brothers Pure Ice; Gulf Motor Oil and Mackenson.