Deflated …windbag

Well, hush my mouth and call me a chump!! Your Eyewitness had stocked up on his popcorn and cokes, “threw back”, and was waiting to hear the embattled Brutus make good on his threat to bring down the Government – the modern-day Caesar!! But before your Eyewitness could say, “Et tu, Brute?” the man had thrown in the towel, crying, “No mas! No mas!!”
What the heck!! You’d think an Asst Police Commissioner would’ve played enough poker over the years – as he softened up prisoners with rubber truncheons and such like – to have known when to hold and when to fold it!!
Here it was that SOCU had investigated him on corruption, and had slapped him with 240 charges involving hundreds of millions of dollars ending up in bank accounts that are owned by him, his newly wedded wife, and his newly born child!! Said it was mainly gifts from his wedding late last year, and not having to fork out any of his $400,000/monthly salary – since all of that was taken care of by the state!! And they say police salaries aren’t high enough to attract good material!!
Anyhow, Brutus lawyered up and struck back in the courts by filing counter-charges against several officials, including the Attorney General and the Police Commissioner!! He was being persecuted, he screamed, and his constitutional rights were being violated. He hinted that he had the goods on a wider swath of folks in the Government and he was gonna take them with him if he was going down!! He was gonna let the cat out of the bag!! That’s when your Eyewitness went out for popcorn!!
Brutus figured that if one of his notable predecessors – one Laurie Lewis – could’ve silenced the Government with what he had on them in his files, why could he not do likewise?? As a policeman moves up the ladder, the very things that make him do so also offer lotsa titbits that some people – who’re now holding big positions – don’t want to be aired in the light of day!! But seems he didn’t count on Jagdeo – who signalled that the Government also had been keeping files on Brutus!! At his weekly press conference, Jagdeo chortled: “Bring it on, baby!! Brutus could let out cats, dogs, pigs, anything that he has and he wants to let out, let him let it out”!! And that’s when Brutus caved in like a stuck balloon and had his shills cancel all his charges!!
So, what does this all mean?? Apart from your Eyewitness being stuck with a mountain of popcorn, just that the goods Brutus has on the Government’s people ain’t worth squat on what they have on him!!
And that’s above and beyond the $700 million he’s charged for pilfering!! The mind is boggled!!

…man of Europe??
In the estimate of some, Britain’s become the “sick man of Europe”. Ironic Brexit, eh?!! Scotland threatening to split, and the economy has imploded into a black hole!! Like the US, the Brits are reaping the bitter fruit of using the weapons of mass destruction that back up the financialization of their economies, which generate more profits than the real economy!! It’s a house of cards! America might be able to carry on for a few decades more; after all, they still can keep the mirage going, since they issue the de facto reserve currency of the world!!
Britain, however, doesn’t have that luxury – notwithstanding the position of the City of London in the globalised financial economy. Well, because of its meltdown, Britain got rid of the first non-white – from India via Africa, who, with all his financial legerdemain, couldn’t bring back Britain from the dead. But his “real” British successor ain’t doing no better, and your Eyewitness figures his days are numbered!!
How sweet it is!!

The times are a changin’! The PPP keeps harvesting support in “traditional” PNC constituencies, while PNC leaders keep shooting themselves in the foot!!
Will complaining about who came up with the idea of cash grants sway the electorate??