

…Social Protection

It used to be called the “Ministry of Labour, Human Services and Social Security”. But President David Granger decided to change that “Social Security” bit. Not because it coulda been confused with “Social Security” of the US… which is just to dole out a kind of national pension to its elderly – but because of a government’s duty to guaranteed the “security” of those of the less fortunate in society. He created a separate Ministry – “Social Protection”.

Get that? SOCIAL PROTECTION. That is, to move from just passively providing security to actively taking action to PROTECT those citizens from forces threatening the less fortunate due to their circumstance. This was certainly a welcome move…but a year and a half later, we can safely conclude when he placed it in the hands of old time PNC MP, Volda Lawrence, Prezzie made a huge mistake.

Two actions have defined the unsuitability of Lawrence for the position and both have to do with the PROTECTION of probably the most vulnerable segment of our society – young girls. If women are by and large vulnerable to the degradations of males – physical, sexual, verbal, or whatever – then multiply that vulnerability a thousand fold for the young girl. She epitomises the new concept of “intersectional” oppression. Physically, she’s weaker, sexually she’s seen as more “desirable” than the older woman who may have “spunks” and verbally she’s not experienced to exchange barbs: “sticks and stones and words” do maim her.

The first incident concerned allegations against a serial abuser of young girls that demonstrated at a minimum, a predator pedophile might be at work. The Child Protection Agency was involved so the facts would’ve been available to Minister Lawrence. But she insisted in defending this individual to run for a City Council seat because he was a “good PNC worker”. Party uber alles! When the man’s sister insisted he should be put away, Lawrence chided the woman for “finking” on her brother. Lawrence, drawing more than half a million a month to PROTECT young girls from such men – wouldn’t have done that! Several groups including Red Thread protested without success for her removal.

And now comes her approval – by her silence – of a press release from her agency bemoaning incest and rape of young girls, and dubs it “deflowering”!! Can you believe this!! Dirty old men justify their rape of young girls – and its STATUTORY rape once the girl is under 16 – by calling it by this euphemism. On the other hand, President Obama’s poet laureate Rita Dove likened it to the lord of Hell, Hades, seizing young Persephone and dragging her there.

Which is where Lawrence may just be consigned.

…the rule of law

One of the biggest disappointments with this APNU/AFC has being its willingness to play fast and loose with the “rule of law”. And in case you’ve (with good cause) forgotten what this is all about because of its being honoured more often than not in the breach, let’s give you a refresher. Law is what stands between us in society and our cousins running around in the jungle where might is right.

But that law must be applied to all in society without fear or favour – or all hell breaks loose and anarchy returns. This is worse than the jungle’s – because we’re much more devious and venal than those “animals”. And this brings us to what the government’s doing to Carvil Duncan. The fella’s before the court to determine whether in fact he broke the law. So far so good.

But up comes the government and forms a “tribunal” to determine whether he’s “fit” to head the Public Service Commission.

Hey! Doesn’t the rule of law say that depends FIRST on whether he’s found guilty?

…inter-ethnic cooperation

But there’s a reason why Duncan’s being picked on. It’s a message to all African Guyanese not to break the silence.

And you thought only the Mafia practiced “omertà”!