Den Amstel man on $400,000 bail over fatal accident

Charged with driving motorcar PSS 4126 dangerously and causing the death of 37-year-old Arnold Padmore of Lot 30 Blankenburg, WCD in October 2022, Kerwin Ward has
pleaded not guilty as charged before Leonora Magistrate Zamilla Ally-Seepaul on Tuesday, and has been placed on $400,000 bail.

Kerwin Ward

The 36-year-old construction worker and resident of Den Amstel, West Coast Demerara has been instructed to return to court on January 11, 2024 for the continuation of his case.
According to Police investigations, on October 24, 2022, at 05:30h, Ward’s car, PSS 4126, was travelling eastward at a high rate of speed along the Anna Catherina Public Road on the WCD when he lost control of the vehicle and it crashed into two other cars, HD 3279 and PPP 8734, as well as an unregistered lorry that was parked on the parapet of the road.
Padmore, who was sitting in the front passenger seat of Ward’s car, was injured in the incident. Public-spirited individuals pulled him from the car in an unconscious state and took him to Leonora Cottage Hospital, where he received treatment for a broken left leg and head injuries.
However, Padmore passed away on April 27, 2023, while bedridden at home. (G1)