Deo, Ganpat emerge victors in LGC medal play tournament

The Lusignan Golf Club was teeming with activity last Saturday when a medal play format golf tourney was played and Vijay Deo and Hardeo Ganpat emerged as victors with HC 7, Gross 74 and Net 67.

The winners’ row

The heated competition saw good play from Maxim Mangra and Patrick Prashad bringing them in second place with HC 64, Gross 74 and Net 68.

Coming in at third was George Bulkan and Ronald Bulkan with a HC 8, Gross 77 and Net 69.

Winners Vijay Deo (white) and Hardeo Ganpat (dark blue)

Speaking to this publication at the end of that tournament, Club Captain Videsh Persaud said, “It feels good to be back on the course, after about two months of not playing. It was good to see the members coming out and play, and even with the break, the competition was very intense, as we had some close scores. Going forward, I want to say that we would want to improve the conditions, as we are well on our way to having the course to is pristine condition.”

Persaud promised lots of major tournaments coming in the future, and said the LGC was inviting members and participants to come out and “have a good time”.

The format of the tournament was Medal Play Better Ball Scramble over 18 holes and shotgun start. For the medal play format, partner handicap calculation was 15% of higher partner’s handicap + 35% of lower partner’s handicap.

Prizes up for grabs were from first to third positions, and were in the form of vouchers.