Deploying the GDF

Dear Editor,
Hamilton Green’s response to President Ali’s speech to the armed forces has no merit. I served in the Guyana Police Force during the seventies under the Burnham regime, when this same Hamilton Green was a Minister.
I and other members of the Force were compelled to do self-help work, and also perform our normal duties on the days we did it. I was stationed at Kitty, and I can remember cleaning the trench at Barr Street Kitty and doing self-help at Melanie on the East Coast of Demerara, where houses were being built for PNC supporters.
We did not receive any one-month tax-free salary. There are many like myself who might be around and can remember this Burnham’s order. Hamilton Green should be the last to speak, because he was using the Government’s resources and manpower to strengthen the perimeter of his property at the back of Lodge.

Kenneth Singh