Designate 5th May as Indian Arrival Day

Dear Editor,
I write again to join the chorus of persons, including Ravi Devji and Baytoram Ramharackji, who have made repeated calls with justifications as to why the 5th of May must be renamed from Arrival Day to Indian Arrival Day or Indian Immigration Day.
We have an extant situation where the other two main ethnic groups have a whole month quite fittingly dedicated to activities recognising their heritage, while the hapless East Indians cannot have a single day correctly designated to commemorate the arrival of our illustrious ancestors.
I believe the Opposition Leader has already publicly supported this request, and I am positive that no group or organization of any significance has opposed or could properly oppose this request by our East Indian brothers and sisters. So, it is beyond my comprehension why our current Government has not yet responded decisively and positively to this request.
In addition to the renaming of the holiday, there is no doubt – given the ubiquitous presence in the building of this country by East Indians across all spheres of endeavour – that the month of May should be designated as East Indian Heritage Month, with suitable activities planned by various Government agencies and NGOs to enlighten the general populace on the incalculable contributions made by our East Indians to the development of our beloved country.
So, President Ali and Cabinet, please do what is required and let this anomaly be corrected forthwith.

Yours sincerely,
Christopher Persaud