Desperately …seeking excuses

Your Eyewitness is quite astounded by the Opposition parties insisting that the new voters list is “padded” – by the PPP, of course!! But they refuse to submit the findings of their “claims and objections to show that even one single name that’s on the list shouldn’t be there!!
Reason? Opposition Leader Norton declared: “We’re not doing any claims and objections at this stage…One more round of registration, and the voters list will be bigger than the population. Why should we rescue them out of that by going and talk about claims and objections?”
Very strangely, just last week, Norton had promised his party WOULD in fact present their claims and objections!! Obviously, they couldn’t come up with even a SINGLE discrepancy!! What kinda logic is that??
By now you’d think that, after making the point for decades and having the Court declare that you can’t take off names from the list simply because they’re overseas, EVERYONE knows the list is gonna keep on growing!! Barbados has the identical situation: with their population being287,010 in 2019 and their registered voters standing at 255,833; and their average turnout being 58%!! But no one complains, cause the only alternative – like here in ole Mudland – is to amend the constitution to declare that overseas residents can’t vote no mo!! But no politician wants to do that, do they?? Can’t disenfranchise the goose that lays the golden contributions at election time!!
So, in the meantime, the Opposition – having created the straw man of “bloated voters list” – are now insisting on the “solution” of introducing fingerprint biometrics; this to ensure no one impersonates “missing persons” who might be dead or overseas by using their ID Cards!! Now, once again, the GECOM Chair has pointed out that even if these fingerprints could be collected and deployed to all polling stations on Election Day – which she says can’t be done – they can’t be the SOLE criterion for determining legitimate voters!! Unconstitutional!! So, we’re left with the tried-and-true method, where agents of the political parties compare the faces of the persons appearing to vote with their IDs AND a picture they retrieve from their voters’ database!! So, the PPP’s bought out all the PNC scrutineers before the PNC has even named them??
What we’re seeing here is also of no surprise to any of the voters out there waiting to dip their finger into that indelible ink on Election Day. The PPP’s gonna win – and win BIG!! And the Opposition is just setting the stage to claim they “wuz robbed”!! But how many times can they pull the same trick??
Just like in 2020, we’re gonna have scads of foreign observers – many of them old friends of the PNC – who’ll verify our free and fair elections!!

…jettisoning illegals
With Trump determined to ship out the 13.5 million immigrants defined as “undocumented” ASAP — because this was his biggest talking points since his first go at the rodeo – we can be sure that even if he weren’t exactly Mr Patience, he’d be strong-arming leaders around the world to take back their citizens. But he hasn’t stopped there: he’s taken to demanding that non-citizens be accepted. Just gotta get his numbers up!!
So, when President Bukele of El Salvador OFFERED to accept US deportees of any nationality – as well as violent American criminals – and its 700,000 undocumented citizens, you know something’s going on!! Seems he wants to get on Trump’s good side, since he’d faced severe criticisms of the methods he used to rid his country of criminal gangs like M-13.
Seems that taking in illegals other than our own – Asians and Africans – was raised with Pres Ali by the Yanks. Your Eyewitness knows we need to be friends with Trump, but please!
NO foreign illegals!!

…seeking corruption
Why’s your Eyewitness not surprised that – unlike the Government – the Opposition’s in FULL agreement with TI’s assessment that our corruption index went up?? Govt’s upset that even though matters were worse under the now Opposition’s watch, they had a better score!!