
…democratic norms
After democracy was adopted in the 18th century – as a mode of governance to replace the monarchical system that had dominated for millennia – in hindsight, it has been constantly evolving to deal with the world it finds itself in. But it’s always a two-way street – democracy changes with the world and the world changes with democracy!! Democracy now ain’t what democracy used to be!! This was on full display Tuesday night when Donald Trump – a former President of the USA – debated Kamala Harris – a sitting VP of the USA –  in their runup to their presidential elections less than two months away!!
In which world one would’ve thought a debate that could decide who runs the most powerful nation on earth would descend into name calling and lie-telling that would make a bunch of fisherwomen blush?!! The format of these debates that’s now become standard in American democracy is one or more moderators – from the broadcasting house transmitting the debate – pose burning questions of the day on domestic and foreign issues. The two candidates – representing the Republican and Democratic parties – are expected to answer these questions to give voters looking on an idea on their stances to help them when they vote in November.
That’s the theory!! What happened Tuesday night was anything but that!! The biggest takeaway from Trump on his party’s burning issue on controlling immigration was that Haitian illegal immigrants were eating the cats and dogs of law-abiding citizens in Springfield, Ohio!! And this was in response to a question on immigration put to Harris which she dodged by claiming that the crowds at Trump’s rallies were embarrassingly small and folks walked out before they ended!! An enraged Trump spent most of his time boasting about the size of his crowds – and towards the end made his pet-eating claim!!
And that exchange typified the evening as Harris goaded Trump with outrageous non-sequiturs and Trump took the bait to segue into shouted responses – as she smirked behind her podium!! For instance, to Harris’s  dig that world leaders see Trump as a laughing stock – Trump boasted that the strongman ruler of Hungary sees him as a leader who could save the world!! Your Eyewitness knows that in the present state of the world, democracy’s under attack and there’s been a wave of populism rising on the backs of “strongmen”.  But if America’s the country that’s pushing a “rules-based order” tethered to democratic rule, is this the best we can do??
It’s clear  they’re going through a serious crisis as they face a challenge to their half-a-century of world hegemony. They may be allowed their “fling”, but we should stick to the straight and narrow.

 …Garbage City?
President Ali is clearly one of the most optimistic human beings alive. Every day we see him at different parts of our far-flung country –- launching one project or another to improve conditions for we Guyanese. From rejigging our armed forces to counter threats to our sovereignty; to building schools and hospitals to deal with the threat to our life conditions, the man’s been indefatigable!! But your Eyewitness thinks he’s bitten off a bit more that he can chew when he announced he’d be attempting to have Georgetown reclaim its old title of “Garden City of the Caribbean”!!
Knowing the title was earned during the British colonial days, maybe what convinced Prezzie the job could be done, was he’s been promised help from the King Charles Foundation. But in your Eyewitness’s opinion, NOTHING can pull Georgetown from the morass into which it’s placed itself! In refusing to deal with the PPP Govt – they’ve cut their noses to spoil their faces.
Actions have consequences!!

…Twin Towers
Yesterday was 9/11…the day NYC’s Twin Towers were felled by some fellas armed only with Box Cutters. It changed not only the airline industry but America’s feeling of impregnability. In rage, it’s spent over a trillion dollars in war – but found no peace.